
June 15, 2006


Function: noun

1 : An ancient, macabre ritual where the
dead assumes the body of a living person.
Like cannibalism, it involves the ingestion
of the deceased’s ground meat and
bones as part of the ritual. With the help
of the Sasigloho, an ancient tribal deity,
the dead assumes the identity of the living
and continues to live his/her life accordingly,
granting near immortality to the one
who practices it.


3 Responses to “num·ba·lik·di·wa”

  1. iFred Says:

    guys, you better show this movie abroad. asian horror movies are well patronized. plus its maricel soriano.

  2. madz uy Says:

    may dvd na ba nito?

  3. at the time, the non-Jewish Persians were predominantly Zoroastrian , and consequently believed that dead bodies were inherently ritually unclean, and should be exposed to the elements in a Tower of Silence to avoid defiling the earth with them.

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